Policy on Customer-Oriented Business Operation
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Marubeni Asset Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) is committed to conducting its business operations in a manner that places the highest priority on the interests of investors (hereinafter referred to as “Customer(s)”) of the Marubeni Private Real Estate Investment Trust (hereinafter referred to as “MPR”) and each fund (hereinafter referred to as “Private Fund(s)”), which entrust the Company with asset management.
The Company has been working on business operations under the following management policies.
【 Management policy 】
Maximizing investor returns
We, Marubeni Asset Management Co., Ltd., aim to maximize investor returns by fully utilizing the Marubeni Group's diverse knowledge and experience in real estate development, investment and management, providing quality investment opportunities that meet investor needs, and increasing the profitability of assets under management through providing solid asset management services.
Internal control system to ensure compliance and risk management
Based on a high sense of corporate ethics, we comply with all laws and regulations, establish a compliance and risk management system, and strive to maintain the trust of society and the support of investors by always carrying out our business with integrity and fairness.
Professional group with high level of expertise
We aim to provide asset management services supported by a high level of specialist knowledge, always striving to improve ourselves to provide the best possible solutions in every process of real estate investment.
Contribution to society
As part of the Company’s corporate social responsibility, we actively participate in and practice consideration for community safety and the environment through the provision of high-quality asset management services.
The Company continues to engage in MPR and Private Fund asset management based on the Company’s management policy and in accordance with the policy on the Principles for Customer-Oriented Business Conduct issued by the Financial Services Agency in March 2017. The Company’s policy on this business conduct is as stated below.
【 Policy on Customer-Oriented Business Operation 】
1. Formulation and publication of customer-oriented business management policy
The Company formulates and publishes this policy for realizing customer-oriented business operation, and in order to realize better business operation, continuously confirms the status of efforts at the Board of Directors meetings, etc. and revise the policy as necessary.
2. Pursuing the best interests of Customers
As a financial business operator, we maintain a high degree of professionalism and professional ethics, aim to achieve stable profit sharing to Customers through faithful and fair business conduct, pursuit of profits, and implementation of both external and internal growth strategies. In addition, we implement the “Management Policy” and strive to further deepen the policy as our corporate culture.
3. Appropriate management of conflicts of interest
In order to accurately grasp and manage potential conflicts of interest in transactions, in addition to the provisions of the related laws and regulations, the Company established the Investment Committee and the Legal Compliance and Risk Management Committee that include outside experts and set forth “Committee Rules,” “Rules on Transactions between Interested Parties” and “Compliance Rules” as internal rules. The Company will appropriately implement the management system, including these internal rules.
In the event of a potential conflict of interests in a transaction, it is appropriate from the viewpoint of protecting the interests of Customers, to take measures such as deliberation or resolution in advance at the Legal Compliance and Risk Management Committee and the Investment Committee that include outside experts. Management. In addition, depending on the type and amount of assets subject to transactions, in addition to the above, prior approval of the Board of Directors of the Company and the MPR Board of Directors are required.
4. Clarification of fees
The Company provides information on the details of the handling fees, etc. received from the Customerso that the customer can understand what kind of service the handling fees, etc. are attributable to.
5. Provision of important information in an easy-to-understand manner
The Company is committed to providing and announcing important information that we believe will influence investment decisions in an easy-to-understand, accurate and fair manner so that our Customers can understand it.
6. Provision of services suited for Customers
The Company strives to understand the business purposes and needs of our Customers, including unitholders of MPR, and carry out asset management in accordance with them. We also focus on IR activities so that the status of such asset management can be easily understood by our Customers.
7. Framework for appropriately motivating employees
We recognize the importance of maximizing our Customers' profits by carrying out our business operations with integrity and fairness based on high ethical standards and by providing high quality services supported by high levels of specialized knowledge. To accomplish these tasks and to ensure that our employees are able to achieve high levels of expertise and standards, we continue to provide education and training to our employees. In addition, in accordance with the compliance program approved by our Board of Directors, we strive to improve our governance system by conducting compliance training for all employees on a regular and continuous basis.
【 Policy on Customer-Oriented Business Operation 】Status of initiatives in FY2020
1. Formulation and publication of customer-oriented business management policy
In order to realize customer-oriented business operations, we have been making efforts to ensure the penetration and thoroughness of this policy throughout the company.
We have verified the status of our efforts in FY2020, and would like to report the results as follows.
The Company has determined that it is not necessary to revise the policy as a result of the verification of the status of this initiative.
2. Pursuing the best interests of Customers
The Investment Committee has met 21 times in 2020 (as of the end of March 2021) to implement internal growth and realize stable profit distribution.
3. Appropriate management of conflicts of interests
We have identified 8 transactions with interested parties that pose a high risk of conflict of interest in FY2020 (as of the end of February 2021). The Legal Compliance and Risk Management Committee met 8 times in FY2020(as of the end of March 2021) to confirm that there were no transactions involving conflicts of interest.
In addition, we have been operating the management system appropriately based on the internal rules.
4. Clarification of fees
We have been making efforts to provide our Customers with appropriate information about the details of the handling fees such as the management fees we receive from our Customers.
5. Provision of important information in an easy-to-understand manner
We have been making efforts to provide and disclose important information that may affect investment decisions to our Customers in an accurate and fair manner.
6. Provision of services suited for Customers
We have been striving to understand the transaction purposes and needs of our Customers including MPR's unitholders, to conduct asset management in line with such purposes and needs, and to focus on IR activities so that the status of such asset management can be communicated to our Customers in an easy-to-understand way.
7. Framework for appropriately motivating employees
We recognize the importance of maximizing our Customers' profits by carrying out our business operations with integrity and fairness based on high ethical standards and by providing high quality services supported by high levels of specialized knowledge. To accomplish these tasks and to ensure that our employees are able to achieve high levels of expertise and standards, we have continuously provided education and training to our employees. In addition, in accordance with the compliance program approved by our Board of Directors, we have provided compliance training for all employees on a regular and continuous basis with the aim of improving the governance structure.
8. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of results in FY2020
(1) IR
・Held a total of about 28 IR meetings in 12th MPR FP(from Feb 1, 2020 to Jul 31, 2020) with MPR institutional investors.
※An emergency declaration of Tokyo requested the cancellation of IR.
・Held a total of about 80 IR meetings in 12th MPR FP(from Aug 1, 2020 to Jan 31, 2021) with MPR institutional investors.
(2) Legal Compliance and Risk Management Committee: Held 8 meetings a year.
(3) Investment Committee: Held 21 meetings a year.
(4) Internal Audits: Conduct internal audits by external experts once a year.
In order to above evaluate the degree to which this policy has taken root, we have established the following KPI in 2021.
(1) IR: Hold a total of about 80 IR meetings per term with MPR institutional investors.
(2) Legal Compliance and Risk Management Committee: Hold at least four meetings per year.
(3) Investment Committee: Hold at least 12 meetings per year.
(4) Internal Audits: Conduct internal audits by external experts at least once a year.
【 Policy on Customer-Oriented Business Operation 】Status of initiatives before in FY2020 as follows